Site Documentation

warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/newich/public_html/modules/taxonomy/ on line 34.
To simplify it a bit, the Site Documentation module picks up information from various places within the Drupal environment. Some of the information comes from internal arrays, some is derived from system calls, and some comes directly from the database tables. This information is pulled into a report that can be used to document the site. In addition, it will detect some problems that may exist in your installation, and optionally correct them.
Project page | Documentation page | Change log

February 1, 2008

added 'no cache' check on filters.
added output of mbstring.func_overload.

January 17, 2008

Fixed an edge case in sitedoc_show_table for column names containing blanks.

January 1, 2007

Added sitedoc_show_table feature for a generic table display; added "show contents" operation to table status section.

December 12, 2007

Added Input formats and filters section.

Some clean up.

November 12, 2007

Added Taxonomy_image support to "sitedoc_term_count_by_type".

#191610 - fixed typo that caused loss of archive settings.

#161314 - Changed archive saving to fopen/fwrite method.

#191612 - Added correct HTML to archive file.

November 11, 2007

#191136 - Made sections collapsible.

#191149 - Added link to index change discussion. Added ALTER message.

Changed "manually" to "Never" and "Debug" to "Always" on archive options.

Several translation string improvements.

Several counts fixed to avoid D6 problems.

November 2, 2007

Added php error_reporting level, display_errors setting, and precision setting. Corrected safe_mode.

October 28, 2007

Added "debug" to archive run frequency to allow it to run every time cron runs.

Added "Run Cron Now" button to Archive settings page.

Removed array_merge in settings page.

Fixed log message error.

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