Site Notes

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SiteNotes introduces a new content type, called, coincidentally, "sitenotes." It also creates a menu item in the Admin » Site building menu, where it's available only to privileged users; it's even protected by Access Control. So now all those little Post-Its™ and other scraps of paper can go right into your database where you can find them again. Create "How To" notes for your users, theme changes, CSS modifications, special code notes, and keep them safe AND available.
Project page | Documentation | Change log

February 14, 2008

#160574 for tamoraj - searching allowed as an option.
#158318 for nancyw - fixed "Edit" tab.
#177436 for mel55113 - Allow "Recent" block to honor sticky, weight, and last changed.
#178019 Add "add new sitenote" link in the block.
Added min-word count of 5.
Corrected Coder finds.
Removed "LIMIT" from queries - added db_query_range.

August 4, 2007

#164501 Fixed quotes problem in uninstall code.

July 28, 2007

Added Recent Site Notes block, readme info, uninstall.

July 27, 2007

Corrected some Coder finds.

#162334 Corrected form labels problem.

July 22, 2007

Removed settings page message - there is none

July 19, 2007

#160574 Added hook_update_index to remove sitenotes content from search index.

Added item to hook_form_alter to exclude sitenotes from advanced search

July 17, 2007

#159952 Fixed pager problem

July 13, 2007

added setting link to install

July 10, 2007

Changed to class

Modified query to standard node ORDER BY (sticky and created)

Added when Site Note is marked sticky.

Added weight field to change the order of the sitenotes if desired. This uses the sticky field just like the Weight module does. It requires using update.php to initialize the sticky field.

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