B. Settings

Module Settings

Unfortunately, one size does not fit all, so I've allowed you some options to control the output of this module.

  • Include Basic Drupal information?
    • Delete Cron variables after - specifies how long Cron is allowed to run before the module deletes the variable ("cron_semaphore") that indicates Cron is running.
  • Include Table Summary?
    • Show indexes? - specifies that the output should include a list of all the indexes that are defined for the table.
    • Release overhead? - allows you to specify whether or not to issue an Optimize query on the table if there is overhead.
  • Include Sequences Summary?
  • Include Node Summary? - (SQL intensive)
    • Show nodes exceeding: - allows you to specify that nodes in excess of this many KB (kilobytes) should be listed.
    • Note: if you don't want this function, set the number very high (e.g. 999999).

    • Warn if nodes exceed: - gives you a warning line in the report if nodes exceed this many KB (kilobytes).
    • Include Node Access? - (SQL intensive)
    • Include comment count on nodes? - includes the total comment count in the Node Summary.
  • Include System Variables? - (CPU intensive)
  • Include Module summary?
  • Include Content Type summary?
  • Include Vocabulary summary? - (may be CPU and SQL intensive)
    • Check for orphan Term_nodes? - (may be SQL intensive)
    • Delete orphan term nodes? - If you use the “Check for orphan Term_nodes” section, do you want any that are found deleted.
  • Include Themes and Theme Engines?
  • Include Blocks and Boxes?
    • Warn on missing theme for blocks? - This allows the module to display a warning message if a block exists for a missing theme.
    • Delete the orphan blocks? - Delete the blocks with a missing theme.
  • Include Roles and Permissions?
    • Show role permissions as a list? - If not chosen, the roles will be shown as a stream.
    • Show list of users for each role? - Displays the list of users assigned the role.
  • Include Contacts?
  • Include Profile Fields?
  • Include URL Aliases? - (SQL intensive)

Archive Options - The Site Documentation module may be run via Cron and the output HTML file archived to disk for future review. The options chosen above will govern the data collected and reported.

  • Archive frequency - The module will run at the next scheduled Cron run after this period has elapsed. A zero value indicates that running will be done manually only.
  • Archive directory - This is where the module will place the archive file. The current date will be appended to the file name. If it runs more than once a day, a counter will be added to produce a unique name.

In the settings form, you may leave the indented items checked even if you choose not to run their parent sections.