This module is still in development. In its current state it can only be used for monthly meetings and only supports one matrix per site. These shortcomings will be overcome eventually.
D6: Complete the code for the D6 upgrade.
D5: Back port some Coder identified SQL changes.
Fixed minor problems uncovered in 6.x conversion.
#213366 - user name was missing from node.
#212955 - added check and list for authenticated user as expert.
Corrected description in schema.
Corrected SQL for block when can_edit, but not expert.
#208232 - Corrected help text on preselected category.
#208254 - added expert term description on ask page
#204465 by nancyw - proper checking for experts.
Message in "Ask" changes by user permission.
Other miscellaneous things fixed.
Corrected schema problems and added variables to be deleted.
#202653 - added capability to "suggest" a category.
Added hook_taxonomy to handle category maintenance.
The get_content_type module fills an oversight by the D5 developers. When they moved the part of CCK (sometimes called CCK-Lite) into core for creating new content types, they forgot the analog to taxonomy/term/xxx, that is node/type/xxx. This simple module provides that function.
This module has not been contributed due to disparaging comments from more advanced Drupallers.
#223766 by nancyw - change term indicator selection to radios.
#223761 by nancyw - add clear cache button on settings page.
#220466 by nancyw for harking - corrected filter description pointer.
#48966 by nancyw for Andrés Chandía - added form to enter alphabar contents.
Added empty pic to line up when Taxo Img in use and no pic.
Moved settings to end in prep for 6.x.
#220458 by nancyw for harking - added dependency on taxonomy.
Missing period in help section.
#219670 - fixed user disable if feature off.
#219704 - restructure format settings page.
#219700 - clear cache on an format settings submit.
#219693 - added 'glossary/clearcache' to menu.
Added 'no cache' op to hook_filter.
Added check for mbstring.func_overload.
#208217 by mwrochna - performance enhancement.
Fixed related links to use setting.
Changed page-per-letter to use setting for descriptions.
Added settings link to the bottom
#46711 - added setting for allowing no description.
#187218 - changed "detailed description" text.
#184842 - Added user contact form checking
Reduced font size in table view because it was getting too wide.
Added spam_delete_contact, which is invoked during Spam's cron run to delete old spam.
Changed the id that is passed to spam checking because it is eventually used to delete old email.
#181302 - Added link from settings page to log page.
#181302 - Removed "intercepted" message from View if the message is not marked as spam.
Added code to increase spam probability if they've (by IP) done spam before.
Added Spam filter checkbox (in Spam module).
Added hook_update_5101 to alter the database to current needs.
Add list links to view the whole message and to be able to send it if it really wasn't spam.
174863 Fix problem with install code (plus hook_update_5102), add variable_del's.
Change default for no "go away" page to the site_404 page.
174722 - Added code to display "Go Away" page.
Removed some extraneous code.
Commented out some fields that were not needed. Will remove later.
Removed hook_user as it was not really used.
Added some help text.
Removed a tab that snuck in.
Added help text on the list page, including link to settings and indication of logging level.
Corrected some comments.
#213717 - fixed <none> in theme_none_option.
#213723 - add month_select_for_form.
Capitalized "Countries" and "States," corrected some comments (form).
Added "multiple" options to all select functions, added size to show more than one option.
#213753 - add year_select_for_form.
Became co-maintainer.
#200915 - corrected install code
#200917 - removed project and version items
#192009 - added if isset to check if form has title field
Took over and resurrected this module to use with Taxonomy_Browser.
Initial 5.x release.
Added sitedoc_show_table feature for a generic table display; added "show contents" operation to table status section.
Added Taxonomy_image support to "sitedoc_term_count_by_type".
#191610 - fixed typo that caused loss of archive settings.
#161314 - Changed archive saving to fopen/fwrite method.
#191612 - Added correct HTML to archive file.
#191136 - Made sections collapsible.
#191149 - Added link to index change discussion. Added ALTER message.
Changed "manually" to "Never" and "Debug" to "Always" on archive options.
Several translation string improvements.
Several counts fixed to avoid D6 problems.
Added php error_reporting level, display_errors setting, and precision setting. Corrected safe_mode.
Added "debug" to archive run frequency to allow it to run every time cron runs.
Added "Run Cron Now" button to Archive settings page.
Removed array_merge in settings page.
Fixed log message error.
#160574 for tamoraj - searching allowed as an option.
#158318 for nancyw - fixed "Edit" tab.
#177436 for mel55113 - Allow "Recent" block to honor sticky, weight, and last changed.
#178019 Add "add new sitenote" link in the block.
Added min-word count of 5.
Corrected Coder finds.
Removed "LIMIT" from queries - added db_query_range.
#160574 Added hook_update_index to remove sitenotes content from search index.
Added item to hook_form_alter to exclude sitenotes from advanced search
Changed to class
Modified query to standard node ORDER BY (sticky and created)
Added when Site Note is marked sticky.
Added weight field to change the order of the sitenotes if desired. This uses the sticky field just like the Weight module does. It requires using update.php to initialize the sticky field.
The Spam_Tune module allows Spam module administrators to examine and modify system variables that are normally just defaulted in the Spam module. These variables are added to the 'Advanced' tab in the Spam settings.
This module will probably never be contributed as it can be dangerous to alter the parameters exposed here.
5.x Fixed uninstall message.
5.x Fixed a tab character.
6.x Initial release for 6.x
Made content type display quicker and more compact.
Fixed typo in selection type description.
#212531 - made category selection always multiple (Moshe agreed).
#27376 - added ability to omit content types from selection list.
#212564 - added node count options to both terms and types.
#211610 - add uninstall function.
#211596 - corrected coding standards.
#72536 - corrected query structure that affected PostgreSql.
Better settings menu description.
#85797 - added checkbox/radio capability
Originally written for Seblin Hosting in September, 2007.
Contributed initial D5 release.
#219505 for mariuss - fixed comment in install file.
#164448 for bevan - added taxonomy_image_get_object, taxonomy_image_get_url.
Corrected problems in taxonomy_image_save, taxonomy_image_delete.
#164455 for bevan - rearranged settings page.
#38472 for keizo - corrected HTML quotes, added title.
Code review clean up.
#178092 for armand0 - changed tags to drupal attributes array.
#214441, #34017 for stenjo, kloomis - corrected joins.
#173360 - removed ampersand from check_directory.
#158882 for nancyw - add "Installed" message, link to settings page, variable deletes.
#158872 for nancyw - remove fractions from width and height.
#191039 for nancyw - add wrapper div around image.
#101116 for landover - corrected PostgreSql install.
added translation template.
#173360 for dman - added file_check_directory before saving image.
Hey Nancy,
This is fabulous - nearly exactly what I'm trying to achieve... but I don't see the actual code snippet anywhere? Am I missing something?
$vid = 1; // <---- put correct vocabulary ID here
$terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid);
$items = array();
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$count = taxonomy_term_count_nodes($term->tid);
// Note: the number of nodes selected per term is controlled by 'feed_default_items' from the RSS publishing settings page.
$result = taxonomy_select_nodes(array($term->tid), 'or', 0, FALSE, 'n.sticky DESC, n.created DESC');
$children = array();
while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$children[] = node_view(node_load($node->nid), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
$items[] = array(
'data' => l($term->name,'taxonomy/term/'.$term->tid)." (".$count.") - ".$term->description,
'children' => $children,
return theme('item_list', $items);
Hi Nancy and others,
How do we make this piece of code have support for localization ?
All my category terms are translated via strings on the Localization module and i'm also using "Translations Block" that comes with the Internationalization (i18n) module to change languages "on queue".
But the "Nancy block" always shows terms in English.
I believe this has been opened as an issue against i18n.
Elegant. Appreciate all the ideas and code you are sharing here - really nice.