Almost every site has a "Links" page; this module manages that and allows you to have user-submitted links. It will even check the links on occasion to see if they still work. This is the project page for the module that produces this links page.
Glossary helps newbies understand the jargon which always crops up when specialists talk about a topic. Doctors discuss CBC and EKG and CCs. Web developers keep talking about CSS, P2P, XSLT, etc. This can all be intimidating for newbies.
The glossary module scans content for glossary terms (including synonyms). The glossary indicator is inserted after every found term, or the term itself is turned into an indicator, depending on the site settings. By hovering over the indicator, users will see the definition of that term displayed as a "tool tip." Clicking the indicator leads the user to that term presented within the whole glossary or directly to the detailed description of the term, if available.
The Taxonomy List module is for displaying the terms (or nodes) under categories with their descriptions and images (Taxonomy Image required). The user can select the number of terms to display in each row, and assign the HTML attributes to the display cell, image, and the description text.
This module allows an administrator with "administer taxonomy" permission to delegate the administration of a vocabulary to a non-admin role.
The role to which this authoity has been delegated may add, modify, and delete terms from a vocabulary. They may, not however, modify the vocabulary itself, nor may they create new vocabularies.
Given that Forums are controlled by a vocabulary, one might give the ability to control them to someone who has no other administrative rights. They can then change the "containers" (parent terms) and forums (child terms). Another popular module that is vocabulary driven is Image Gallery, so it's another function that can be easily delegated. There are many ways in which this module can help.
Think of this as a 'build your own category view' page.
A single page with each term organized nicely by vocabulary. The user selects the terms which she or he wants to see, and then this module constructs the right URL (e.g. taxonomy/view/and/3,4,5) and then displays matching nodes to the user.
Adds hidden design or How-To notes in your database.
This is a simple module that allows for various lists, such as "taxonomy/term," to be filtered by content type. This filter requires some type of query that selects nodes, such as the front page query or "taxonomy/term/xxx". The module does not, in and of itself, select nodes. It complements Taxonomy Browser, so I resurrected it from the grave. I did not write it.
This module displays customizable index pages for each node type with alphabetical and taxonomy filters. This module is primarily intended to be administrative, but some site owners make choose to make it more public.
The get_content_type module fills an oversight by the D5 developers. When they moved the part of CCK (sometimes called CCK-Lite) into core for creating new content types, they forgot the analog to taxonomy/term/xxx, that is node/type/xxx. This simple module provides that function.
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